The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day of Rest!

Day 10, I think (not too sure and can't be bothered checking)!
Blister is in dominating mode today, so I'm doing no walking, and spending more time on the computer, mostly sending messages to people seeking help with sponsorship.
I've just seen the article in the electronic version of Tuesday's issue of "The Scotsman" newspaper. It's very good, and I hope it might lead to some sponsorship.
I'm a wee bit down today, not being able to go out and do a decent walk, but it seems sensible to go slow at present in order to ensure I can make it to the Rotorusa Marathon in walking condition.



Littlelou said...

Sorry to see blisters still giving you jip..see here

Congrats on 'Scotsman' piece. I emailed you it previously just incase you had not received a copy

TartanWonder said...

Thanks, Louise, I've had a look at that very good site.
I'm already aware of some of those products, but sadly I can't afford to buy them. I'm saving what little I can from our fortnightly pension to be ready for my old schoolmate arriving here next Friday. After that, I'll be able to look at such things. I'm also going to have to fork out $90 to enter Rotorua Marathon, but that can wait untl March/April. And I've been advised to get really good sports shoes and socks for the Marathon.

I'll get there.

Thank you for emailing the "Scotsman" piece to me. I've sent you an email about that, and received your reply. So, I'm awaiting your next email, tomorrow I think.